
Xiaomi International Version Vs Global Version

Official app from Xiaomi

To facilitate the operation, Xiaomi installs useful applications on smartphones. Some of them are presented beneath:

  • Mi Drop. Provides fast file transfer between Xiaomi smartphones.
  • Mi Remote. remote command of other Xiaomi devices (Xiaomi Mi Band smart bracelet, Xiaomi Redmi Notebook, Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner, etc.).
  • MSA. collects data from the user's search queries and displays useful information for him.
  • GetApps. a service for downloading games, applications and other utilities, analogous to Google Play.

Signs of a simulated phone

The buyer should recollect the general signs of a false:

  • The box does not match the version of the smartphone.
  • Phone Bone does not have MIUI vanquish.
  • Externally, the device is of poor build quality.
  • Programs exercise not lucifer firmware.
  • IMEI and serial number have not been verified on the official website.
  • Lack of instructions in original language and warranty.

Checking through the AnTuTu Officeholder app

AnTuTu Officeholder is a dedicated authentication application. It can exist downloaded from Google Play. After installing the plan, you need to open the website on another device. In the phone application, you need to click "Start" and scan the QR code from the site. Afterwards scanning, the result will be released (green. everything is fine, ruddy. faux).

Note! If at that place is an indefinite event, practice not worry. this often happens with the Global version. Other checks tin be passed.

Technical specification check

The biggest difference is the software. Real Xiaomi smartphones have Android Bone with MIUI shell. A faux may have a different Bone, so when buying, y'all must definitely cheque it.

difference, global, version, xiaomi, chinese

Check on the website of the Chinese Ministry of MIIT

The MIIT Ministry has created a service for checking devices, namely, whether they accept permissions to access the network. How is self-check done:

  • There is a blue sticker with a code on the box and back cover of the smartphone;
  • Going to the official MIIT website (, yous need to enter this code by selecting a province, otherwise the check will non happen due to the organization ban.

If the code is correct, and then the site volition indicate the phone model.

Compare the MIUI version of the phone on the official website

To make certain the phone has a genuine firmware, you need to:

  • Go to device settings;
  • Select the section "About telephone";
  • Find the line "MIUI version", where the smartphone'south firmware is indicated;
  • Find the device model on the official website

Here information technology will be written what the latest firmware version should be in this device model.

Additional Information! If the versions do not match, it is recommended to update the firmware ("About telephone". "Update organization"). You should practice a flashing if information technology turns out that the version is unofficial.

How to distinguish the global version of Xiaomi from the Chinese

The production of Xiaomi devices takes place in China and India, so these countries are the first to go acquainted with the visitor's new products. Accordingly, the firmware of smartphones is Chinese / Indian and international. for European countries and the USA.

Xiaomi Red china Stable and Xiaomi Global version: what'south the difference?

  • The name of the Chinese firmware is China Stable (CN). These phones are for use in the Mainland china only. The global version is called. Global Stable.
  • The main language of the original version is Chinese. All data on the box, factory motion picture, dorsum panel and instructions is written in hieroglyphs. The software has merely ii languages ​​installed. Chinese and English. The international version is multilingual. User tin can select the linguistic communication when the device is showtime started.
  • The original firmware does not support Google services, dissimilar the European (Eu). On a Chinese smartphone, you will have to independently install the applications "YouТube", "Google Maps", etc.
  • The cost of these smartphones in China is lower than the toll of international versions.
  • Each version supports programs and applications for local residents.
  • The Communist china Stable charger has a "Type I" Australian plug. An adapter is required for European type sockets. Global Stable includes a standard for many European countries charger with a C or F plug.
  • Differences in the frequency range are sometimes observed. Eu supports more bands, while Chinese version only supports 2G and 3G networks.

Notation! It is possible to alter the interface language of the original version into Russian using the Locale programme. But in this manner but partial Russification is possible.

How to distinguish the global version of the firmware from the Chinese one on Xiaomi

The products manufactured past Xiaomi for the domestic market are unlike from the export version. Let'south figure out how to distinguish the global version from the Chinese i and what firmware versions be.

Global ROM

The global firmware has been translated into many languages ​​and is intended for the European marketplace. Of class, it supports Russian and has a complete translation of all carte items. Its name contains the words "Global" or "Global" and the letters Mi. Case: "MIUI Global 9.2 Stable nine.2.2.0 (MALMiEK)".

Types of firmware on Xiaomi


These are by and large custom builds from third-party developers. They are not official, but this does not mean depression quality at all. Some are quite decent and piece of work without errors. As a dominion, they are released for markets where at that place is no back up for the global version. You lot can distinguish by loading the device: most frequently the logo of the team that worked on the firmware appears.

Ported ROM can too include authoring firmware made by one person. They demand to be treated with extra caution.

MIUI Developer ROM

Programmer translates to developer. This firmware includes all the innovations and functions that are non available to well-nigh ordinary users. It is needed just for testing all these innovations, and so it oftentimes has many flaws and bugs. Updated every week. Its proper name is formed by the release date, for example: "MIUI9 7.10.8". released in 2017 on the 10th month (October) on the 8th.


Stable version. About all functions accept already been tested and piece of work fine here. Such firmware is installed in smartphones for sale. Practise non have a clear update schedule. The name contains the word Stable or Stable.

China ROM

This version is exclusively for the Chinese domestic market. As mentioned in a higher place, it only supports Chinese and English. At that place are many services installed here that practice non work in other countries. The name contains the letters CN. Instance: "MIUI eight.two | Stable 8.two.6.0 (MADCNDL) ".

In plough, these firmware are divided into 3 types:

  • MIUI Developer ROM
  • MIUI Stable ROM
  • MIUI Ported ROM

How to distinguish Chinese Xiaomi from the global version (Global Version)

The easiest way to identify the Global Version is by the corresponding inscription on the box and descriptions in English (instead of hieroglyphs).

Global (international) version of Xiaomi smartphone

For fidelity, it will also not be superfluous to compare the IMEI of the device with what is indicated on the bundle (you tin can find it out by inbound the code # in the dialing number).

In addition, you tin bank check the MIUI firmware version, which should look something like the following. V10.0.i.0.OEIMiFH, where Mi stands for Global Version, in the instance of the Chinese version, the article will contain "CN".

It is worth paying attention to the number of digits. if there are more than 4, then in front of you, most likely, a "fired" handicraft of the Vietnamese spill.

And finally, the third style. Yous should go to a special page of the Xiaomi website, enter the series number or IMEI of the smartphone and go accurate information near its origin.

Global (international) version of Xiaomi smartphone

Delight annotation that some online sellers describe the gadgets equally Global Rom. These are Chinese smartphones with international firmware, not Global Version.

How to distinguish Chinese Xiaomi from the global version and why Xiaomi blocks Chinese smartphones

In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, domestic users of the get-go iPhone models knew very well what unlocking, flashing, jailbreak and, in instance of failure, "brick" are. Owners of Android gadgets, on the other mitt, felt at ease, having almost unlimited access to all levels of the OS. The world has inverse a lot since then.

The expansion of the system's capabilities and user rights on the part of Apple tree developers made the procedure for jailbreaking the iPhone most useless, and the developers of jailbreak tools for iOS, whose nicknames were not so long agone known to all the geeks of the planet, are now out of piece of work. Perhaps now they should apply their skills to bypass locks and bans of new versions of Android.

Chinese and global (international) versions of Xiaomi, differences

Like about other major brands from the Eye Kingdom, Xiaomi releases most mass-produced smartphones in 2 versions. for the domestic market place with Anglo-Chinese firmware and Global Version for the rest of the world with the so-called global firmware.

Chinese Xiaomi. it costs less, may have lower quality components, the firmware contains a number of services that are relevant for the Asian market, back up exclusively for Chinese and English, the absence of Google Play and other applications / functions that exercise not comply with Chinese legislation;

Global Version Xiaomi. supports many languages, receives less updates than the Chinese version, costs more, all Google functions and services are present.

Why Xiaomi is blocking Chinese versions of smartphones in Russian federation and around the world

Really, the ban on flashing red china versions affected not just Xiaomi, Huawei also introduces like restrictions, and for several years now similar bug accept been encountered past owners of some ZTE models. This is due, start of all, to the new Google security rules, which, for instance, recently prohibit rolling back the OS version to an earlier version.

In addition, in this way, companies protect official retailers in strange markets from "gray" devices, which are sold on average several thou rubles cheaper. So, earlier, a domestic fan of Xiaomi products could hands purchase a smartphone intended for the Chinese market with a good discount and easily install a global MIUI on it with the Russian language, Play-market place, etc. Now, with a loftier degree of probability, such a smartphone will turn into a "brick", and its owner will have to perform dances with a tambourine, described below.

How to revive the "brick" Xiaomi

If your gadget has already become a victim of new security measures, and so you can effort to render the base MIUI firmware via EDL mode using the official proprietary utility for Windows Xiaomi MiFlash.

How to reflash Xiaomi without the risk of blocking

Naturally, at that place are no hopeless situations, and you can alter the operating system on a Chinese gadget. The all-time mode to practice this is to submit an official application to unlock the bootloader, whose functions include launching Android (MIUI), roughly speaking, this is a kind of counterpart of a computer BIOS, which, being locked, will not allow capricious software to be installed on the device. You can likewise attempt to become a developer account, which will automatically allow yous to perform any deportment with the operating organisation.

Consideration of the application can accept quite a long fourth dimension, and therefore many experienced users remove the bootloader lock on their own using the third-party XiaoMiTool utility, to which the manufacturer, of course, has nothing to practice, all actions the user takes at his own peril and risk.

At the aforementioned time, information technology is important to understand that a device with an unlocked bootloader does not run across the security rules of the same Google, which means that it is impossible, for example, to use the Google Pay service.

Which smartphones does Xiaomi turn into "brick

So, buying a 2018 Xiaomi smartphone designed for the Chinese marketplace with MIUI 9.5 / 10 firmware based on Android 8/9 and later, a denizen of some other country risks getting a "brick" when trying to update or reinstall the operating system. On many thematic forums, including Russian-speaking ones, at that place are already a lot of complaints from users whose gadgets cruel comatose forever after trying to install a global version or any custom firmware on them.

At the same time, smartphones that were purchased before 2018 are not affected past this Xiaomi initiative.

How to distinguish a Chinese version of a smartphone from a global i

The main difference is in price: Chinese versions cost less. Sometimes less high-quality associates of the device is noticeable. The smartphone for the domestic market supports several exclusively Chinese services that will not be relevant in other countries. They do not have many applications that are familiar to the whole world. For instance, you cannot install Instagram, merely an analogue of the social network is available. Miaopai.

Global Version Xiaomi supports a large number of languages, updates are less frequent and more than expensive. All the usual Google functions are besides included.

To sympathise what kind of device is in front of you:

  • Check the MIUI firmware version. For the global version, it looks similar this: V10.0.ane.0.OEIMIFH. "Mi" ways the phone is for worldwide sale. The Chinese version is identified past letters in Bone CN.iv. There should exist no more than iv numbers. otherwise, you lot can safely assume that the phone is a Vietnamese fake.
  • On the official Xiaomi website, enter the IMEI of the device, or the serial number, and you will find out all the necessary information virtually the device.

How to Check Xiaomi ROM Version. China or Global. European or Russian

Smartphones, which are labeled as Global Rom, stand autonomously. These devices are originally intended for China, but with the Global firmware installed.

Difference between versions

The Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi produces products not only for the whole globe, but also for the domestic consumer. Smartphones that keep sale in many countries are different from those sold strictly in the Chinese market.

There are several main differences betwixt the domestic and foreign market versions:

  • Package. A phone intended for export sales bears the words "Global Version" on the box. It indicates that the device has a global version of the operating system.
  • Charger. Smartphones for domestic sale are supplied consummate with a Chinese-style charger, and but sometimes the manufacturer provides them with adapters for Russian sockets. Residual of the world gadgets come with country-specific plugs.
  • Firmware. The in-market version supports two languages: Chinese and English language.
  • 4G support. Many smartphones designed exclusively for Mainland china do not work in LTE Band 20 and Band 4 networks, which are used in the Russian federation.

There are also model differences. For example, Xiaomi Redmi 5a, 6 and 6a for the Chinese buyer are equipped with a single slot that can accommodate two SIM cards, or one SIM and a memory card. The global version of these phone models can boast of an additional slot for a second SIM-carte. the user does non have to cull betwixt additional memory and an extra SIM card.

Is it possible to install global firmware on the Chinese version

Near Russian users volition find information technology unusual to use a smartphone bought in China. It should be noted right abroad that Xiaomi's assortment includes models that are designed merely for the Chinese market. You lot won't be able to reflash such a smartphone. Just if the gadget has an counterpart with the global version, then yous can utilise the MiUnlock application.

The procedure for flashing the device is as follows:

  • Create Mi Account on the official website https://business
  • Go to http://world wide Click "Open up Now".
  • Log in to the system.
  • Enter an alias on the forum
  • Fill out the form, point the name in English language, country of residence and the reason for unlocking the smartphone for the Global firmware version.
  • Concur to the terms of the user agreement.
  • A lawmaking will be sent to the device. It must be entered on the third page.
  • Now you demand to wait for the approving of the developers. Commonly the application is considered no more ten days.
  • After receiving a notification that the programmer has made a positive conclusion, download the MiUnlock utility and install it on the PC.

Next, y'all need to bind the device to the account from which the request was made. To practise this, y'all need to go to the settings, click v times on the MIUI version and go to developer way. Now, through the Mi Unlock Status field, the smartphone is linked to the account.

After linking to Mi Account, you lot tin can proceed straight to unlocking:

  • Launch Mi Unlock and accept the terms of the user agreement.
  • Log in using Mi Account information.
  • Simultaneously concord downwardly the power button and volume upwardly on the smartphone. this volition put information technology into Fastboot way.
  • When a rabbit appears on the display, the smartphone must exist continued using a USB cablevision to the computer.
  • On the PC in the programme, click "Unlock".

If everything is done correctly, the unlocking process will starting time, and at the end, the inscription "Unlocked Succesfully" volition appear.

Differences between the Global (international) version

Global Version, EU, International Version. What does all this mean?

In that location is no secret here. Xiaomi produces devices for both the domestic market and the global ane. Devices for the global market place, i.e. countries other than China, have the prefix EU or Global Version. By the way, you can see the final inscription on the packaging of the device. Of form, if the smartphone is intended, for case, for the European market.

How else are the devices different? Obviously, not merely by the inscription Indeed, in that location are differences, merely there are still not so many of them.

The packaging of the version for the domestic market has hieroglyphs, while the version for the global market has inscriptions in Latin.

The aforementioned applies to the instructions that are within the packet.

Charger for European union. with Euro plug, or UK.England.

There are some differences in the frequency range.

Some smartphones of Chinese modification may not work in LTE Ring xx and Band 4 networks, which are mutual in some regions of the Russian federation and Europe. For everyone else, if there is a global firmware, at that place will be absolutely no difference between the "European" and "Chinese" versions of the smartphone. In most cases, this is irrelevant for the user. To date, these frequencies are not used in Republic of belarus.

There are no differences in the software, the firmware is the same, provided that Global stable is installed, namely this is preinstalled in the smartphones we sell

First of all, permit's separate the MIUI firmware past region. Everything is very simple here.

  • for the domestic market, it is also Anglo-Chinese. China ROM;
  • for the international market, global. Global ROM.

These are two basic versions of MIUI firmware, on the basis of which custom firmwares are created. Further, a little more particular about each of the two.

MIUI Global ROM (Global ROM)

This firmware is for smartphones and tablets manufactured outside of China. The international version of MIUI already has pre-installed applications and services from Google. There is a choice of languages ​​here, including Russian.

This version is released exclusively for smartphones sold in the domestic market place. The firmware has ii preinstalled languages ​​- Chinese and English, there are as well no Google services and software installed that works only in Red china.

How MIUI firmware differ by blazon?

So far, everything seems very uncomplicated, still MIUI is too divided co-ordinate to its type:

  • MIUI Developer ROM. for developers, MIUI beta;
  • MIUI Stable ROM. stable firmware version;
  • MIUI Ported ROM. these are unofficial versions of MIUI firmware, supported past developers in local markets;
  • self-made firmware based on MIUI. the same custom ones, but often their "creators" are unknown;
  • regional MIUI firmware. usually released for models that support a specific type of mobile connection.
  • MIUI Developer ROM

These firmwares are officially released by Xiaomi developers. Initially, such assemblies are intended for more advanced users who need to be the first to go access to new functions of the operating system. Developer ROM is designed for testing innovations and it frequently contains various flaws.

That is why updates appear weekly on Fridays (excluding holidays). As soon equally errors are found, they are quickly eliminated and the side by side version of MIUI commonly does non have any previously identified flaws.

Calculating firmware for developers is very easy. fifty-fifty by proper name. For example, if you come across that the assembly is called MIUI eight vii.21.4, then it was released on April 21, 2017.

With these firmware versions, everything is much easier. They are also released past the Xiaomi development team, however, these builds are official, stable, tested, with fully functional functions and without obvious glitches that are eliminated in developer builds.

You can safely install such firmware on your phone, but y'all will non be amongst the first to go access to the innovations. Here, a choice has been made in favor of stability. Stable ROM firmware updates without a specific schedule, so you may see an update every couple of weeks, or even not get anything new for months.

This type of MIUI firmware includes most custom assemblies, of course, they are all unofficial. You can often come across such firmware for one principal reason. exterior of People's republic of china, Xiaomi smartphones usually install localized versions of MIUI, assembled by 3rd-party developers.

Nosotros as well refer to this blazon of firmware equally high-quality assemblies of enthusiasts who port MIUI to devices from other manufacturers besides Xiaomi.

Basically, Ported ROM MIUI is congenital on the basis of a stable version of the firmware, or on a developer with the elimination of bugs. Often these custom builds are updated according to a specific schedule, simply the installation volition be washed manually.

Custom low-quality MIUI builds

However, it is necessary to single out a separate subtype from the general picture of custom MIUI firmware. self-made assemblies that pop up on "gray" Xiaomi smartphones. Often, such firmwares have a terrible translation, terrible optimization and there are uncorrected bugs.

If this is the offset time you lot encountered MIUI firmware of this blazon, then the impression of the operating organisation and the phone as a whole will surely be spoiled for a long time. Never use assemblies like this.

Regional MIUI ROM / Other versions

These are far from the most common types of MIUI firmware. We noted above that these are mainly regional localized assemblies intended for a specific type of mobile communication or for a specific operator. The most famous firmware WCDMA ROM MIUI and TD ROM. the offset will piece of work on models only with support for 3G WCDMA communication (more or less common), and the second. simply in the domestic market of China.

We tin also divide MIUI firmware co-ordinate to the simplest criterion. by size.

Full ROM is a full-fledged version of the firmware that you tin safely install from scratch on your smartphone. Often, installing such an assembly volition ready all errors and other problems that could not be dealt with in other ways. Such a MIUI package offers all the necessary services, which is why the firmware file will not weigh and so little. upward to 2 GB.

The Incremental ROM is merely an addition to the firmware, updating it with the necessary fixes. Often yous can get them by OTA (downloading via WI-FI) if y'all take the official MIUI firmware installed. stable or for developers. These updates are small. from twenty to 200 MB.

And in decision, we note the implicit sectionalisation of MIUI firmware according to the update method. past OTA or manually.

Any official MIUI firmware has the ability to become an update over the air at any fourth dimension, but only if yous have not manually inverse anything in the system files. Because of this, there may be a problem with the OTA update. We'll accept to prepare the trouble manually. by installing the associates, which can ever be downloaded on the official Xiaomi MIUI forum.

Custom MIUI builds rarely have the power to update over the air, so they are usually installed manually. To do this, you lot volition accept to unlock the bootloader, which has been officially blocked for some time now.

To find out the firmware version installed on your smartphone, you need to go to the system settings and select the lowest item. "About phone".

In the window that opens, technical information almost the system volition be displayed, including the firmware version.

"Global ROM" and "Global Version

You lot can frequently find descriptions such as "Global ROM" or "Global Version".

The first is the Chinese version, which has already been reflashed at the manufactory and the international version has been installed. Such a device practically does not differ from the "global" model, except for hardware differences (for example, the lack of 4G in phones).

Mi x Pro Global vs Mi 10 Pro China. Worth the Deviation?

The second is the international model. Here is a global operating organisation, for work in any region, and all hardware capabilities.

Why Xiaomi makes two versions?

Information technology volition non be possible to give a brusk respond to this question, merely we will try to explain everything in simple words. The Chinese and global versions are designed for different markets: the first for the Chinese and Asian markets, the second for the residuum of the world.

Differences between the global version of Xiaomi and the Chinese

Language. Nearly oftentimes, at that place are two base languages ​​available in the Chinese version. Chinese and English language. Need Russian? You will have to add it manually, and information technology's non a fact that everything volition piece of work correctly. The global version has all languages.

Region. In China, Google services are blocked, then there will be problems with them in the Chinese version. Do you want Google Maps, YouTube and other familiar services? Download it yourself from the Net. There are no such problems in the international modification.

4G. In improver to the differences in the firmware, there are likewise hardware differences. No Chinese operator uses the 800 MHz LTE band. This means that in the Asian version, you tin forget most the 4G Net, simply 2G and 3G.

What about the global version?

In the global / international version of Xiaomi gadgets, there are no problems with installing the language, choosing the desired region and downloading any applications.

When releasing global versions, the visitor has to spend money on localization, certification for other markets and Google royalties for services that are not used in Communist china. For this reason, the version for the international market is more expensive.

How to determine the global version?

It is easy to distinguish the "globalka" from the Chinese version: on the box all the characteristics and names are written in English, and too on most boxes there is a sticker "Global Version" ("on almost", because stickers are not always glued). Chinese models come up in boxes with Chinese.

But what if there is no box? On the trunk of the device, you demand to discover the "CE" logo, which indicates the certification according to European Union standards.

Another way is to brand out the charger. If the socket is with flat prongs, and so this is the Chinese version. For the global version, plugs with pins for European sockets are most often used (again, "nigh often", considering sometimes they can be confused).

The easiest way for phones is to look in the settings for the presence or absenteeism of MEID (special identifier). To exercise this, get to the "About phone" tab, then "General information". If at that place is a MEID near IMEI, then the phone is "Chinese".

It turns out the Chinese version. bad?

Of course not, Xiaomi devices in the Chinese version are popular all over the world. For example, they are oftentimes taken by developers of applications and software when the device itself is needed directly, and not the total set of its functions. In this case, yous can have a more than monetary Chinese version, connect to Wi-Fi and test.

Ordinary shoppers often opt for the Asian version too. Yep, it has its own nuances, simply some of them can exist solved by flashing.

We want to warn you correct away: flashing is not entirely "legal" business organisation. Keep in mind that all responsibility for the serviceability of the device subsequently self-flashing will simply be on y'all.

The good news is that the internet is full of tips on how to flash your telephone (and other devices). Most likely, someone has already encountered your trouble and plant a way to solve it.

The bad news is that there is no guarantee that advice from the cyberspace is safe and volition completely solve your problems. In addition, it will be difficult for an unprepared person to independently consummate all the steps of the setup.

Why do I need a separate version for Asia?

China has its ain, autonomous Cyberspace. Information technology does not have admission to many international services, and uses internal servers to shop information. For example, in Communist china, all Google services are blocked. you cannot lookout YouTube or use Google maps there.

This raises a logical question: how is the Internet continued in China and, for example, a regular smartphone? Remember, earlier you first using a new phone, yous demand to brand basic settings. specify the time zone, region, etc. When making these settings, the Asian version will default to the Chinese region. Residents outside Prc may experience bug considering of this: difficulties in installing the desired language (for case, Russian) and difficulties using services that are non bachelor in China (the same Google).

What is the difference between the Asian version and the international Xiaomi?

As you know, Xiaomi is a Chinese visitor and produces its products non only for the international market place, but likewise for the domestic consumer. In this regard, there are modifications of smartphones both for the Chinese themselves and for anybody else. What is the difference between the Asian version and the international Xiaomi?

Smartphones intended for the international market have the inscription Global Version on the packaging. This implies that the global firmware version is already preinstalled in them.

Together with the global version of the smartphone, the kit comes with a charger with the usual "European" plug. At the aforementioned time, Chinese modifications can come with a charger of their sample, and sometimes (depending on the seller) they can be equipped with an adapter for "our" sockets.

The nearly distinctive feature is the presence in the smartphone for the domestic market of China firmware with just 2 preinstalled languages: English and Chinese.

If such a smartphone has its analogue in the "global version", then yous should not worry. you can always reflash it and go a total-fledged "European" smartphone, but the Xiaomi model range contains devices designed exclusively for the Chinese market that do not accept "global" firmware.

Enthusiasts effectually the world are dealing with this issue. They translate such phones into the languages ​​of their countries (including Russian) and enable users to make a pick in favor of cheaper "Chinese" versions of devices.

Some smartphones of the Chinese modification may not work in the LTE Ring twenty and Band 4 networks, which are common in some regions of the Russia. For anybody else, if in that location is a global firmware, there will be absolutely no departure between the "European" and "Chinese" versions of the smartphone.

All the same, it is not always the case only for firmware or packaging. In some cases, in that location are also technical differences that are visible to the naked center. For example, this applies to smartphones such as Xiaomi Redmi 5a, Redmi 6 and Redmi 6a. When buying these devices, it is worth remembering that their Asian versions are equipped with one hybrid slot, in which you tin put two SIM cards or one SIM card with a memory carte du jour, and in the international i there is an boosted slot for a second SIM carte. Thus, the international version allows yous to fully enjoy all the delights of dual-SIM smartphones and at the same time not prejudice yourself in the power to use an boosted memory card.

Other useful data:

Indian version

These devices are manufactured and sold in Bharat. The interface, equally usual, is in English. Indian smartphones Xiaomi are offered to the consumer with the installed global firmware. The devices support much fewer LTE bands than their Asian counterparts, due to the apply of only a minor part of them in India. This allows the manufacturer not to launch support for most bands. It is possible to check all the difference betwixt Indian, Chinese and global firmware on models made specifically for the Indian sales market: RedmiNote 5 Pro, Redmi Y1, Redmi Y2.

What is the global version of Xiaomi (global version), its differences from the original Chinese firmware

Smartphones of the Chinese company Xiaomi are gaining more and more popularity among consumers every mean solar day. This is considering the devices of this brand differ favorably past the ratio of functionality, cost and quality. High-speed performance of the device and its ability to work are most often provided by the proprietary MIUI firmware. For those who are just planning to buy a gadget, get to know it ameliorate. this is just a proper noun. Users with a certain experience of operating devices of this company know that information technology comes in different versions. And this difference does not depend on the freshness of the vanquish.

The master product of devices is based in Cathay and India, which means that the inhabitants of these countries are the first to have the opportunity to go acquainted with new products. There are three types of firmware: international, Indian and Chinese versions. The latter and Indian, as you might judge, are produced for Republic of india and the Middle Kingdom, respectively. The international version is designed for a European user.

What is the global Xiaomi firmware, and how to distinguish the global version from the Chinese or Indian version, consider below.

The primary differences between the global and the Chinese version of Xiaomi

In performance, the Chinese version brings a lot of discomfort to the user from Europe. First of all, this firmware does not back up languages ​​other than Chinese characters and English language. With the help of the Locale tool it is possible to add Russian, simply it will not fully role.

Due to the ban on all Google services, devices for the Asian market do not comprise the prudently installed original software. All the necessary applications like YouTube, Google maps, mail, and others volition need to be downloaded to the gadget with your own hand. In addition to software differences, in that location are hardware differences. Operators of the Celestial Empire practice non apply the LTE 800 band, which means that many Xiaomi, Redmi and other models of this brand do not support the band20.

Previously, information technology was possible to reflash the Asian version to the global i with a few clicks, now for this purpose it is necessary to unlock the bootloader. Of course, this operation is completely simple, simply you demand to wait at to the lowest degree 360 hours. Failure to observe all safety precautions may cause the machine to intermission.

On sale, y'all can often find products with the Global ROM label. The selling side emphasizes the availability of all Google services that are regularly updated, multilingual back up. It may seem like a true international variety, but it is not: there is a big difference between globalrom and globalversion. The fact is that globalrom is a self-flashed Asian model. In terms of software, it does non differ in any way from its European version, the differences exist in the hardware attribute.

There are several guidelines for distinguishing Western from Asian and getting the right smartphone.


The differences brainstorm with the packaging of the device. The design of the international version of Xiaomi does not contain any hieroglyphs or inscriptions in the language of the Middle Kingdom on the box. All definitions, descriptions and recommendations are in English. A very important point is the sticker on the GlobalVersion box: it should be carmine. The Asian diverseness is devoid of such a label, and all inscriptions contain hieroglyphs. They are also shown on the shipping films glued to the device. Individual models differ in the design of the boxes.

The back panel of the device, made for Western users, bears the inscription "Fabricated in China", or "Made in Republic of india", model number, Xiaomi logo. There is also an image of a crossed-out bin, indicating the impossibility of normal disposal, due to the presence of a battery. The messages "CE", placed in the same identify, bespeak total compliance with all required standards, certification. The Asian counterpart, as a dominion, does not comprise the model number and whatsoever letters, only the company logo is present. The version from Rostest is completed with instructions in Russian.

An honest seller will ever post a detailed photo of not only the phone, merely likewise the packaging on the page. Look advisedly, there must exist a cherry-red sticker on the box, with the inscription Globa lVersion.

How to find out your Xiaomi firmware version

Global Version and Global ROM, in turn, are divided into varieties:

Stable ROM. as the proper noun implies, this modification is stable. When you lot buy a gadget at an official outlet, you will receive exactly this. This firmware contains a minimum number of bugs, in performance information technology is quite stable and constant, every bit well as possible, suitable for installation if the user does non want to have unnecessary problems with the smartphone. They differ in a rather rare release and updates. The title contains the give-and-take Stable and iv digits representing the version.

Ported ROM is an unofficial version of the firmware. Information technology was adult and released by people non directly related to Xiaomi. But this does not brand it of poor quality or bad; basically, information technology functions reliably and stably. In addition, such employees conduct out the localization of versions for implementation in Cathay for launching into the international market. Reveal them, peradventure when you turn on the smartphone, each organization has its ain logo displayed at kicking time. Each team has its own production release schedule.

Programmer ROM. This product is intended for developers. It contains the latest functional resources that users have not all the same seen. Likewise, I must say, there are many bugs and unfinished software. The proper noun is fabricated upward of the date: twelvemonth, day, month of the release of the modification. For example, MIUI9 seven.xi.nine, informs the consumer that the products were released in 2017 on November 9.

You should non buy a new Xiaomi product as soon as it was released. Expect 4-v months until all imperfections and imperfections are eliminated. Information technology was later on this time that the smartphone will receive a fully "equipped" software

In improver to all of the to a higher place, there are copyright and self-fabricated firmware. The offset matter to know nearly upgrades is that they were created past one person. They added or removed what the writer considered necessary. They must be installed very carefully, because it is not known what was the main goal of the creator. Self-made ones as well belong to the author'southward options, but their quality is far from ideal, if non disgusting.

Also, firmwares are divided by size. There is a Total ROM that is perfect for a smartphone from scratch. Information technology contains all the resources and services required for correct and fast work. The size of this version is quite large: it tin weigh well-nigh 2 gigabytes. Incremental ROMs usually weigh a little, from 20 to 200 megabytes. This is but an incremental update aimed at fixing flaws in the modification.

Each official version receives the necessary updates over the air, of class, if the user has not inverse anything in the system. In society to find out your version installed on the phone, you need to open up the organisation settings, and then select the "nigh phone" section. Yous volition see a window that will provide information well-nigh the device's system and its firmware version.

What versions of Xiaomi smartphones are there?

To prevent resellers from sweeping all the devices off the shelves, thereby causing a shortage, in that location is a division into european union or global, Indian, Chinese or cn firmware. In addition, the police of the Red china prohibits many Western resources, so Ukrainian, Russian and other European buyers may have issues with a phone purchased in the Middle Kingdom.

With the entry into the international market, there was a clear separation of the global version from the Chinese one. The master differences are in the name and software. Chinese models do not have many European languages, only English, and instead of Google services, local resources. They also have a unlike modem frequency standard, LTE Ring 20 is not used in that location. The frequencies of cellular networks in the PRC differ: standart TD-SCDMA is widely pop, which is non used in other countries, and LTE operates in other ranges.

In view of the fact that devices for the Prc and for consign need to be produced slightly different, the company is not interested in selling meaning technical modifications in the foreign market. Within a few hours afterwards the release of the new detail, information technology will exist bought out by resellers and there will be a shortage of the model in the Eye Kingdom. Considering of this, potential buyers volition buy devices from a dissimilar make. In an endeavour to maintain sales and a expert name at the proper level, the company practices diverse methods of protecting devices.

Permit's take a closer await at what the global version is and how information technology differs from other options.

MIUI version lawmaking. IMEI and Authentication

The CDMA network is widespread in the Middle Kingdom. This assumes in the Asian modification the presence of MEID. IMEI, a specialized identifier used in 3G networks using CDMA. Global modification does not have it. You lot tin can determine the presence of MEID by looking at the device settings. You demand to open the section "almost phone", then find "general data" and cheque if there is a letter combination meid near the IMEI. Its presence means that this is an Asian variety. The absence determines the global variant.

In order to avert unnecessary worries and problems, it is worth purchasing the official GlobalVersion. This variation works great with all Russian and Western mobile operators, does non crave whatever boosted manipulations and supports LTE b20.

The purchase of an Asian modification also has its advantages. Its price is slightly lower, in addition, it will accommodate consumers from Ukraine, due to the fact that there is no LTE b20 there. In add-on, they can perfectly function in cdma networks.

Information technology makes sense to choose the variation for the PRC to use if all these differences are not very important to you. You are fully aware of your actions, you practise non demand a Russian-language menu.

Xiaomi International Version Vs Global Version,


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